Explanation of Grades
Numerical and Letter Grades: In Iraq (including Kurdistan) numerical grades, 0-100, are used.
In the United States, letter grades (A, B, C, D, and F) are used. In KUST, the passing grade is C- for university courses and C for both college and department courses. A is the highest grade and F is lowest grade. In KUST, the conversion of numerical to letter grades is used as shown in the below table:
Passing Grades at KUST:
- University Required Courses: C- grade is the passing grade.
- College/Departmental Courses: C grade is the passing grade.
- Graduation Required GPA: 2.0 (C) grade.
Other Letter Grades used at KUST :
- “I” grade is used to indicate that course is not completed yet. Students must not graduate with “I” shown in the transcript.
- “F” grade is used to indicate that the student has a second chance to take final exam/assignment of the course. Students must not graduate with “F” showing in the transcript.
- “W” grade is used to indicate that the student is withdrawn from the course. This will not count to calculate cumulative or semester GPA.
- “R” after course indicates that the course is repeated.