Student Council Election Results Announced
Komar University of Science and Technology held its two-day period online Student Council Elections on Sunday, December 3rd, 2017. The electorate gathered in the auditorium hall and Mr. Bamo Nadir, Director of Student Affairs and Registration Office announced the final result of the election; Mr. Rezhwan Mariwan was selected as Elected President of Student Council for 2017- 2018. Mr. Mariwan gave his speech after his historical winning by only one extra vote deference with his colleague competitor Mr. Meer Aso. Later Ms. Lawen Abdullah, Legal Councilor of the Election Committee emphasized the legitimacy of the election results. Lastly, Dr. Kawa Qaradaghi, Vice President for Admin and Finance stated his congrats to the newly Elected Student Council and their important roles with greater responsibilities toward KUST Students are waiting for them.
The elected candidates are:
Rezhwan Mariwan (Elected President of SC)
Baban Abu-Bakir (College of Business Elected Representative)
Midya Adul-Qadir (College of Engineering Elected Representative)
Ahmed Mohammed (College of Science Elected Representative)
Congratulations to all and we wish the best.